Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Tuesday, 5 October 1920
A.M. |
Invocation. Achievement first. |
6:10-30 |
Not satisfactory. |
6:30-48 |
[1] |
DHARANA, yellow sq - purple
Tried to make egg flat like
square, succeeded.
Concentration not forced, mind
relaxed and flowing, I contacted another
spot! Were my head severed near base of skull, would
say it was that end of spinal cord left exposed. |
Italian lesson.
That peculiar all-gone feeling
in region of diaphragm of
Oct. 2. |
9:55-10:01 |
Now plan to make this and Italian a part of my
morning work, that is, before 10. |
P.M. |
Top of head paining, off and
on, for possibly 2 hours.
Noticed that during this, lower
part of head seemed clearer.
6 mins Pranayama in asana.
Several days now of a resting
on my oars, floating with the tide, sans emotion,
sans desire, sans everything. Note a changed mental
attitude also, possibly best described as objective
living, as the purely personal is not troubling me
these days. |
[2] |
To some extent, too, I have
learned to mind my own business.
All this makes me feel like
doing more occult work of the mental variety. |
7:32-48 |
Pranayama in Asana
Invocation. |
9:48-10:10 |
Unsatisfactory, no alertness. |
10:10-30 |
DHARANA, yellow sq. & purple
Successful in spots. Wretchedly
sleepy since nine this evening. |
Comment(s) by Aleister
1—Not English.
2—is the Law!
[102] |