Jane Wolfe Diary Entry
Wednesday, 13 October 1920
Last night I try Dharana and Fail: I try Harpocrates and fail. I try lying flat on my back; I accomplish but a trifle.
I then read several Aethyrs and turn in at one o.clock—to be somewhat restless all night.
This morning I again attempt Dharana and struggle for 15 mins—it is a physical pain in my head. I stop once more and shall try during the day.
A feeling of change—a going out from this room—something more than a trip to Naples—something thought out by A.C. in Palermo.
A.C. back from Palermo and at his suggestion I leave Cefalu this afternoon for Palermo, en route to Naples.
Dinner with Lea [Leah Hirsig] at Hotel des Palmes and a talk: she verbally confirms a trait I had assigned to her.
Reading of Butterfly Net [Moonchild].