‘Something more than a trip to
Poupée? Lea [Leah Hirsig]?
What a strange look in the face
of that child! (she lay dead) Baffling! I have known
Poupee in the past, I have known that ever since my
arrival and—if I read not amiss—I shall know her
Do we come in physically where
we left off? So I have been told, but this does not
satisfy me: I must know for myself. And this is
where I am somewhat at sea regarding books at
Since May, 1918 I hunger for,
demand, firsthand knowledge. The music, the vitality
of these books feed me—at times I am conscious if
Force as, in California, for instance, I could place
my hand on the Equinox in Silence and touch A.A. (I
thought). I never felt close to O.T.O. But the
knowledge to be found in these books must mean
infinitely more to some students. |