Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Tuesday, 19 October 1920






A slight entering of circle of circle, similar to Capri. Used Tao this time and restriction gradually fell away.

(Time of typing. Think now this was that caving in of the stomach which I afterwards recognized as such.)




A taking of the Invocation into the Silence to make the words alive.



DHARANA, yellow sq & purple egg.

Could not get hold, then suddenly grasped with new ‘Purpose’, which I shall hereafter call Will, and with that alone no visualization) held on. There was a steadiness & smoothness in holding what was really not there! While all round seemed rushing waters and fragments of speech trying to disarm or distract.
After ten mins., tired.


‘Pure being is pure nothing; pure wisdom, pure inertia.’ ‘Pure understanding, silence and stillness and darkness.’



Walking on the street, I suddenly recall that I dreamed last night. I confronted a woman of Venus type, taller than myself, full figured, clad in pink silk draperies. I then saw her back: the robe parted from the waist down and I saw the parts of a man, gleaming white. Unexpected, but it did not surprise me. Do not get anything from this.






August, 1918, Fee Wah: I would advise that you look to your stomach, the blood stream and the mucuous membrane of the throat’. ‘After all the love and labour we have bestowed upon you, you would not dare to fail us through lack of physical strength.’

At the time I took such measures as seemed to me proper, though objecting to drugs took none of them and tried to effect a cure through exercise, diet, etc.

To-day I go to Dr. Castellone and discover the stomach contracted inward at the top and the mucuous membrance trouble spread beyond the throat into a small portion of the communicating tissues—to a negligible degree the doctor says, but nevertheless there and needing attention and causing some disturbance.

There is still a little uric acid in the blood but I think this will disappear with stomach adjustment.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley



