Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 4 November 1920






Talisman. Went through a long, round tunnel with circular opening at far end—came out into a sun-lit garden. Eat fruit here. Passed to left over a village lying immediately against a high mountainous rock. Was no part of village; noted streets in passing. Began ascent of mountain, which was dark, damp, slimy. Came out on top & discovered I was a huge serpent. Took wings & became butterfly of brilliant coloring: flew back to garden and lit on outstretched penis of a naked body. Think an inhibition entered here, for I promptly began to doubt. I said: I will start from the beginning once more. Raced through form the beginning, returned to penis, climbed up nude body, caressed neck, travelled over face and reached top of head, when rays shot upward and out of sight from the head of the nude body.
In this I felt no exhilaration





