A.M. |
Restless during night—some bit
of magic. Waked about mid-night, silence, and sensed
a great breadth, calmness and stability of—what?
Late morning dreamed I was
packing trunks to go away, being married. Groom
there, but did not see his face. All very matter of
fact. Going to a lake district with mountains and
tall green trees all about. Groom hung rug that was
in my possession, though not belonging to me, so as
to keep in good condition till our return. |
[1] |
Go off to left and descend onto
round knoll of earth—I see the granules of earth
plainly, reddish-brown and see a small circular
opening, shaped like a crater, this centre filled
with something white, suggesting the whiteness of
fungus growth below earth’s surface. I regard this
(it is level with the earth), then dig around it,
try to pull it out. There is no change whatever. I
move away and regard it, then ask: Is it a penis?
The white spot elongates into a penis, white, about
the height of an asparagus shoot. Nothing else
happens, though a white angel has appeared and
stands quietly, with a broad bladed sword in left
hand, point resting on the earth.
Here, feeling the need of rest,
as I have not slept well for several nights,
composed myself for a nap. Dozed off a moment, then
became conscious of inward desire to write. Then
came directly toward me, the body streaming
horizontally through the heavens directly away from
me, a colossal Being, of soft whiteness; a strong
sense of whirling mightily yet was he stationery.
Our two foreheads touched, I trying to pierce
through his. He then seemed to become a large pillar
in front of me and slightly to the left, my entire
body resting against it when first visualized. I
then stood back, regarding the two, for the Being
was there once more, the pillar now a solid mass
like granite with a wreath around its base, which
was square. I then turned to the left, walked past
pillar, low coping of some material and colour, and
came to an arbour, low, covered with grape vines
through which the sun streamed. Back of this a
small, white, plastered house, one story. I waited.
Noticed space between house and saw entire space
back of it, enclosed with a fence and a large piece
of land, was an arbour covered with vines through
which the sun streamed. Back quite a distance, on
the left side, sat A.C. in the brown knicker suit
with a book on his knee. I walked down the path
which lay in the middle of this garden, and stepped
across the unpathed portion lying between him and
me. Here there was some confusion, for he seemed to
stand, again he remained seated reading Rabelais.
But he surely was stand, though the vision was
dimmed considerably and myself almost asleep, when
to my right, a short distance back of A.C. near the
fence, was a goat with long grey hair. Roused
myself, looked back toward the house, and saw and
old-fashioned bake-oven, which had been white-washed
but the face of which was smoked, from the opening,
upward. It had a roof sloping backwards, this roof
supported by poles at the four corners; no side
Later. Once more I touch
foreheads with the Being and shoot straight up,
receptive for something to descend. The Being soars
up toward me and I start away with him. I then
notice betrayal—it is not the Being. I go back to
the sky but the spell is broken. Then return to the
true Being, get strength and return—higher than
before, and seem flattened against the sky to
receive something. It seems like something I shall
write. |