Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 24 November 1920






During night a voice, as though my own, arguing for a “dream”—time and again—but there was no response. Strange this should come up again after so many months.


However, there is pressure along the line somewhere. During my first weeks at Cefalu I suffered agonies through the top of my head—incessant chatter and great physical pain, that caused hysterical spells.


Again is something upon me—since Nov. 14, so subtle I did not at first recognize it, cumulative in effect. Noticed closely yesterday and now feel confirmed. But this is (it seems) inside the centre of my body.


I could regard it as pressure to look away from self, for stopping to regard this, and therefore in a way feeling somewhat of it, I cannot hold on—I feel shaken toward insanity.


Attempt silence—nothing doing.


