Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 26 November 1920






Dreamed a woman made sexual love to me—i.e., kissing my lips—yet she did not kiss them. No impression made on me. Hardened sinner.


Shummie’s [Ninette Shumway] baby born at 2 a.m.









Talisman. Visualized symbol above head, steadily—shaft of yellow shone down on top of head.


Heavens! A new emotion. I ached to use my riding crop over a bare face—to inflict fearful pain.



Celebrated Lulu’s [Astarte Lulu Panthea] birthday. A.C. gross at table.[1] Evening at Abbey bored me horribly. They speak a language I do not understand. Shall I ever understand? And the drugs? Jones, says Russell [C. F. Russell], is fond of aether. I do not understand that, either. Think I will experiment to find out something here.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Is it possible?


