Jane Wolfe
Tuesday, 7 December 1920
A.M. |
Wakeful all night—read 3 hrs
from Woman in White without soothing. Cannot
concentrate this A.M. Dull headache, stomach bad;
mulled wine and some irritation the cause. |
P.M. |
2:30 |
[1] |
Am still in mood where I care
neither for gods nor men—where I could shut the door
in the face of any—where I feel this whole business
was not my choosing but was thrust upon me, willy
nilly. |
10:00 |
20’ Asana.
Steady, no movement.
20’ Dharana, yel sq.
First 10’ good—regarding sq.
with my right side. Disturbed by Russell [C. F. Russell]
coming in; floundered around for 5’, then recovered
10’ Harpocrates. |
Comment(s) by Aleister
1—I know the
feeling well.
[102] |