Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Tuesday, 7 December 1920






Wakeful all night—read 3 hrs from Woman in White without soothing. Cannot concentrate this A.M. Dull headache, stomach bad; mulled wine and some irritation the cause.









Am still in mood where I care neither for gods nor men—where I could shut the door in the face of any—where I feel this whole business was not my choosing but was thrust upon me, willy nilly.



20’ Asana.

Steady, no movement.

20’ Dharana, yel sq.

First 10’ good—regarding sq. with my right side. Disturbed by Russell [C. F. Russell] coming in; floundered around for 5’, then recovered somewhat.

10’ Harpocrates.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—I know the feeling well.


