Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 8 December 1920






After last night’s work, composed myself for sleep. Colour on an orange tone—this from centre of myself, as though I were a circle, the colour appearing in the centre of that circle. Then landscapes—the first I do not remember. The second a long low-lying range of hills, without trees, the sea back of them a deep, deep blue, the hills reddish; there was yellow somewhere in the foreground.


(Why did I not write this last night?)


20’ Dharana, yel sq.

Regarded square with left side. Great difficulty in pinning down mind all through.


15’ Harpocrates

Intense and still, body glowing with warmth.









I have been thinking my work was to sit under a Bo tree and wait for the universe to pass before me. Of course, “Wait for God” means just this thing from one angle, for the universe is God. I prepare the vehicle by all means possible, train the horse for the Rider. I the transmitter of the electric current, the step-down.[1]


Quibbling serves one purpose, at least. Serenity or lack of it, depending on “moods”. The “frictionless” way.


15’ Close work on astral.

5’ Pranayama.


Memorizing Book of Law.



1/2 Capsule of grass.



My affections are not offended (therefore do I love?) but my prejudices (?). Is this egotism? I see no vanity in myself.


A bomb thrower. These are always feared and distrusted. The shepherd comes along, over the ploughed ground, feeds the sheep; and he is loved.


Drugs to free centres sooner—i e, open up: at this time to hasten the Aeon.


Lea [Leah Hirsig] asked: “What does I N R I mean?”. Russell [C. F. Russell] makes a reply, which I have forgotten. I say: “You may recall seeing it in Catholic churches; pictures of Christ on the cross.” She answers: “O, yes”, and nothing more is said.


Did the mind stop working—there is a tendency to accept that with which one has grown up, or has become familiar with through association.


Various methods of initiation—some by way of sex.


20’ Asana.

Good—a something new infused into this—a taking hold—by all muscles of body?


18’ Dharana, yel sq.

First 10’ good, seeming an eternity. Last 8 a struggle to hold on. Physical same as Asana above.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley



