Two flashed of Love came
through, invigorating mind and body, causing me to
be sympathetic to all?
What is this that tells me I
have loved.
Was Wilkie Collins in love with
Marian, but afraid of her. Not the kind of woman
most men love—rather is that type the friend of
Became a part of L.V.’s mind,
understand it better than ever before. Think I will
have to get A.C.’s mind from the top, down.
Mind is—should be, a fine,
clean instrument. Sensed what seemed spirit trying
to look through. The two lobes of brain united
ascend and become slender woman in blue, with high
head-piece suggesting something Egyptian—cannot get
correct design.
Saw a light far, far off. Rose
toward it, tried to reach and become it, but could
Tried another way of rising—up
over a high mountain. Past trees, over shrubbery.
Started from a well. Came from vast height back into
body and into spine.
It is the Divine must love.
Animal soul to be loved and
respected and made a part of Divine.
Expansion of centre back of
eyes. |