Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 15 December 1920






Good night’s sleep—no indication of intestinal trouble.


20’ Asana, good.


30’ Dharana, yel. sq.

Good in spots. Picture of clean machine given in grass vision of 13th excellent help. This should eventually eliminate the “bwouze”.

13’ Harpocrates.


Got this by focusing on the lotus. What does this lotus mean?


A bit of the outer fuzziness is being eliminated. The degree of concentration is better in all this work. This applies to the last few exercises before taking grass.









Try concentration—impossible. A cigarette made my whole body shaky.


Book of Law. To end now of Book I.


Work on—what? Left side of me, for 20’. Could not continue because of LuLu crying. Usually this does not disturb me.



A little work on Tree of Life.


20’ Asana.

Unable to do any other concentration, so reviewed Book I, Book of Law.


