Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 20 December 1920






Finished reading of Comment [on Book of Law].



Surprised about construction placed on Scarlet Woman. Like the idea of Hierophant and Priestess—BUT


Three-fold Book of Law, three-fold Thelema, three ordeals in one, thrice-armed, etc. May there not be three here, also? Hierophant and Priestess; Beast and Scarlet Woman, she as unique and designated an individual as he and not by him to be deposed (as I assume to be the case with Priestess), and a third deeper meaning?


For: In her “is all power given”. This suggests to me the powers of a Christ.


“She shall achieve Hadit”. Did any of the six so achieve? No! Else would they not have failed. Then how can they be the Scarlet Woman?



(If my vision of Jan 11, 1919 had to do with Lea [Leah Hirsig]—as I have been told—why Bertha Bruce at a later period?)


Verse 53 “ . . ; ever To me! To me!”


Verse 62 “__ To me! To me!”


Verse 65 “To me! To me!”


I know nothing of Qabalah, but what of this?



“The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.”


Who shall say who does know these mysteries—who is capable to judge if Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] be the child”?









Palermo. Villa Igeia; no room at the Palmes. Full of freaks here. Men with queer noses, receding foreheads, eccentric slouches; women all colours of the rainbow, blue-lidded, red-lipped, bobbing ear-rings, protruding shoulder blades, mincing gait, loose-lipped and tight-lipped. Each and every one extremely self-conscious. A continual pose. Each eyeing each, a measuring of swords. Very entertaining.


Shummie [Ninette Shumway] does not go to Naples, one reason a “plot”—at least those words were used to me. Why fear?



Live your life so you can look every damn man in the face and tell him to go to hell.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Please discuss this.

2—I don't understand all this myself.

3—See proofs in Liber 24.

4—No fear; but one doesn't want unnecessary annoyance when working. Is it fear to disinfect a wound?


