Jane Wolfe
Monday, 20 December 1920
A.M. |
Finished reading of Comment [on
Book of Law]. |
[1] |
Surprised about construction
placed on Scarlet Woman. Like the idea of Hierophant
and Priestess—BUT
Three-fold Book of Law,
three-fold Thelema, three ordeals in one,
thrice-armed, etc. May there not be three here,
also? Hierophant and Priestess; Beast and Scarlet
Woman, she as unique and designated an individual as
he and not by him to be deposed (as I assume to be
the case with Priestess), and a third deeper
For: In her “is all power
given”. This suggests to me the powers of a Christ.
“She shall achieve Hadit”. Did
any of the six so achieve? No! Else would they not
have failed. Then how can they be the Scarlet Woman? |
[2] |
(If my vision of Jan 11, 1919
had to do with Lea [Leah Hirsig]—as
I have been told—why
Bertha Bruce at a later period?)
Verse 53 “ . . ; ever To me! To
Verse 62 “__ To me! To me!”
Verse 65 “To me! To me!”
I know nothing of Qabalah, but
what of this? |
[3] |
“The child of thy bowels, he
shall behold them.”
Who shall say who does know
these mysteries—who is capable to judge if Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]
be the child”? |
P.M. |
9:15 |
[4] |
Palermo. Villa Igeia; no room
at the Palmes. Full of freaks here. Men with queer
noses, receding foreheads, eccentric slouches; women
all colours of the rainbow, blue-lidded, red-lipped,
bobbing ear-rings, protruding shoulder blades,
mincing gait, loose-lipped and tight-lipped. Each
and every one extremely self-conscious. A continual
pose. Each eyeing each, a measuring of swords. Very
Shummie [Ninette Shumway]
does not go to Naples, one reason a “plot”—at least
those words were used to me. Why fear?
Live your life so you can look
every damn man in the face and tell him to go to
hell. |
Comment(s) by Aleister
discuss this.
2—I don't
understand all this myself.
3—See proofs
in Liber 24.
4—No fear; but
one doesn't want unnecessary annoyance when working. Is it
fear to disinfect a wound?
[102] |