Called on Fee Wah for
assistance in ascertaining mystic name for my-self.
Wrote his symbol three times, then visualized same,
then called.
On elevation similar to terrace
in front of Abbey; a fine, beautiful foot-way of
stone, cement and carefully-formed coping, leading
downward to a small city lying, whitish, at the foot
of the hill. Over the whole scene, which included
palm trees, a soft yet brilliant sunshine, very
To my left a low-lying
building, into which I intended going, when I
realized Shummie [Ninette Shumway] was to my right,
slightly in the rear. I did not see her—I just knew
she was there. Her unspoken thought that the trip
down to the town would be very hard for her
physically, turned me away from the door, and I
started toward the foot-path. I felt she had womb
This faded, and I heard twice
“Mathonet”—“Mathonit”? Then I argued: “No, not
‘Math’, but Manothet.
A.C.’s interpretation follows.
Manothith or Matonith = 516 410
+ 106 = 516
= The female Fish
Thom = 65
ON = Nu 56
TMAT = 50 Jonah’s whale
= female Fish
= Gates of Binah
Maton = 106 = Nun
Mat 50 Gates of Binah – (Adamah
of Chesed, watery earth - Jonah’s whale, the sea
Athm= closed, shut up.
On = Nu Thoma = unclean
Ith = feminine termination
Matonith is the Lady of the
Hidden Understanding of Nuith.
Now 516 = 6 x 86 The (Sun)
manifestation in radiant harmony of the Female
Elements of Nature, brooded upon and impregnated by
the Breath of the Holy Spirit, or of Nuith, whose
letter is He.
516 = The radiant manifestation
of Nature, inspired by the Breath or Holy Spirit of
Our Lady Nuith.
516 is the abstract idea of
Matonith, the concrete
correspondence, the Woman who incarnated this idea. |