Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 27 December 1920






Could not work last evening because of gas pressure in abdomen. Stomach bad for two days. So lay down, meaning to work so. Nerves of legs extremely sensitive and jumping. Went to sleep, of course. Waked up during night, and tossed from side to side a long time; chief seat of difficulty nerve ganglia from nape of neck downward the length of a hand. Why should this be when stomach is, apparently, the cause?


Peculiar dream about A.C., my mother and Lea [Leah Hirsig]—my mother, of course, making it so; and this time as she is to-day. Lea and A.C. in bed, my mother lying on the floor. I thought she had in some way deceived me, and I at first resented the lie. Afterwards was able to eliminate my prejudice, whatever it was.


Bad Headache.


Attempt Asana and Dharana. 40’ sitting still.



22’ A kadua. Difficulty all the way—stumbling. Found when, on a few occasions, mantra ran easily, a part of me could think of something else. Like a Catholic counting his beads and watching everybody in the church.


8’ Silence. Good. Broke here and could not again get back.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Good observation.


