Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 16 January 1921






Why when I would speak are my lips so dumb! I wish to express my supreme interest, my deep concern—no words come: only gesture rises in me. On other planes I have speech—why not on this?




Date unrecorded.


A dream. Absent from Abbey, though I know not where. Returning found a woman present, of a nervous vitality, shall I say? Magnetic? She held my attention. Knew A.C. in America. After a time a man, also known by A.C. in America, seemed to be of the party. These two, (man & woman) then went away together.




Date unrecorded.




“Resist not evil”—life through friction. Indifference the deadly sin and deadly means. Things die when not nourished by love, interest or hate.


Entered large banqueting hall—empty. Table set up on angle. Heard scrap of conversation between goblet and other table accessories.


A page, a youth differently garbed from aught I have ever seen pictured, bowed low and presented me with a package of typewritten sheets, the first page of which was entirely in symbol.


Entered oblong room from another oblong room, at right angles to it. Room I entered, large, built of logs, plastered between and white-washed. A sense of light and cleanliness. Large oblong table stood in centre of room, woman seated, back to me, at left corner of table & window, my mother standing farther up the room in line with sister. Neither had a head. I soliloquized: they move about, are alive, work; therefore they have heads though I see them not. Then I noticed pale blue about my mother. In upper right-hand corner, set diagonally across it, a large wardrobe, door of which was plate-glass mirror.

The three women sewing on most elaborate silken gowns.


At another time during night and in another place, the same working on elaborate wardrobe for Lea [Leah Hirsig].


