Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 31 January 1921









Went to sleep about 10. During this period have been going through what seems ceremonies, rituals, studies, or what? A.C. or his influences. (I suppose I mean by “influences” that which he has ordered done, or which, by some means, he is able to do himself without being visible at the time.)



This is becoming amusing!



On a knoll, park-like: many people, divertissement, etc. etc. A king—the king desires me. I become aware of this almost immediately and try to elude him. Slip through devious paths, down the hill, across a street on which, if I remember correctly, ran car tracks, and reach a large lobby. Here I ask clerk back of desk to announce me to a definite man upstairs, a man between whom and myself was some understanding. The clerk delays, eyeing me lazily. I implore, as I know the King and two, I think, assistants are following. Clerk lazes toward telephone just as King, et al, enter. They take me to a large room upstairs in which are three beds, the first inside the door to left very wide and uneven, the next one beyond with two farthest legs broken or off, as that bed tipped toward the window, a third at right angles opposite the foot of the other two. On this we sat. Facing the door was entrance into another room, where I saw two French bedsteads, in excellent condition and well dressed. Their colour was pink that had a bit of purple thrown in.


A woman prepared me in some way I do not remember, then she and one attendant left. The second remained and I saw him removing his shoes.


The King then kissed me, but it was not with lips. I would liken it to a serpent’s tongue playing on my lips and chin. I thoroughly impassive.


Then found myself in a different room, talking casually with second assistant, he very dark-eyed.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley



