Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 7 February 1921






Waked 3 A.M. to control “dream”—did so. Slept til peasants waked me at 5:45; continued sleep till 7:45. Much refreshed.



Asana, in East.

Equilibrated self in large temple (?) shaped. Restful. Thoughts about physical hunger, took in purple curtain at altar once. A waiting for God.




Used “Thou who art I”. Result excellent for equilibration. Broke 10:37.




Difficult. Later climbed a very high mountain, no rock, a carpet of wiry green-black moss, with greyish edges. A look-out on top, a small white building with rod in centre top. Entered. Tried silence—nothing. Looked through open space: First seemed to be above everything, only space, then to my left and some distance away, another pillar-like rock. Did not see its top.


Then noticed bldg. had 6 sides, each side the same length but placed so as to make bldg. oblong.









Assembled correspondences of Capricornus on typewritten sheet to facilitate work.



I make a discovery—at least to-day I was unable to turn round in a vision.


Inv. “Thou who art I”


“Melchizedek” door, white and gold, with an angel on either side. Am not sure of top of doorway but think it has three points. Went inside, got confused. Returned, and began studying exterior. While deep in this passed to vast interior, all white and gold, and pillared as far as I could see. Passed along line of pillars until I came to what seemed a central part. To my left I thought I saw a seated figure. I wished to stand in open centre, turn to right angles from present position so as to have full view of figure, & found I could not turn to my left. After fruitless effort thought to pass along, but there was nothing else.


So, I get some visions after all. Thought myself definitely off for the present.


10’ Pranayama—another improvement. 10-20



Asana, in East.

Difficult in spots—mind would consider self; the three years following May, etc.




Not satisfactory.




Extreme simplicity in spots.


