A.M. |
Waked up at midnight, horribly
cold, felt like ice, chills through back. An
internal chill, I think, as I knew definitely when I
would warm again.
A dream, made interesting by
the fact that Lea [Leah Hirsig]
saw some time during the night either a black bull
or black cow, fierce-eyed, long smooth upturned
horns. She regarded it only, not approaching it.
First I was on the go, it
seemed in trains, but I am not sure. Then came to
Mary Katherine washing clothes; a big tub full, she
doing this because woman whose job it was, was
elsewhere. I was on my way to a definite place, at
the place I would find this woman and tell her to go
back to the clothes.
I left M.K. and on my way got a
“selfish” note from myself (?), the sin-complex
telling us I should stay and help sister? Entered
forest and found myself at foot of an exceedingly
steep ascent, path narrow, tortuous; brambles,
rocks, etc., a plenty. Found myself in small open
space in forest, at great height; here stood a
one-story squat, spreading house. I then stood on
door-step and saw to my right, at corner of house
and between it and large tree (stupidly did not note
what kind) a black cow, Mary Katherine milking it. I
approached the group and was attacked by the cow.
First I drew back toward the house, then went
forward—without any fear—and grasped it by both
horns, noting then they were highly polished, thin,
up-curved with sharp points. We struggled, I telling
my sister to go round the house and enter by a rear
door (which she did). The cow and I continued to
tussle, I always drawing nearer the house, she
fighting every step. I reached door-step, worked
across threshold and told tall, thin woman to my
left to slide door along. When I got the horns
square across door-way, this woman slid the door
toward me, I let go horns and pushed door shut
No emotion of any kind.
I convey this to Russell [C. F. Russell]
by means of what French I command (by aid of
dictionary) and a picture. He writes: Isis, 4th
puisse de la Sphinx. And, “A wish phantasy to break
the silence.” |
10:30-45 |
Dharana. Steady flame.
Worked into what seemed the
most tenuous part of me yet sensed. First reach my
negative method. Remain here a bit, negatively, then
draw back to more familiar territory, rest a moment,
then slowly work way back, linked up with what I
have termed “perception”. |
4:10 |
Shortly after 3 I began Vision
work before altar, Lea [Hirsig] in Cefalù. Baron [Baron
Carlos La Calce] interrupted shortly thereafter
and insisted on being entertained, I with French
dictionary in hand. However, I got even. Giosue was
mentioned and I hauled out a gun of A.C.’s to ask
about oil, cocked it, and he got quite perturbed—in
fact, one might say he was scairt! |