Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 18 February 1921






Chill started again last night, but I tackled and conquered it.







Force, interest, or whatever it is, continued (after getting hold all round) for 15’.


Thoughts a plenty, of course, but think they must be too weak to make sufficient impression for me to remember when finished.




Candle steadily for 10’—lost—battled to get back, finally did so, when there seemed more force than during first 10’.




Lost here after 5’, after 10’ gone entirely.


18’ Pranayama, 10:20

Tried 15-30 but failed.









As to “making” an individual.


It is reasonable to assume that if one can make one can also break.


The farmer cannot add one jot to his grain of wheat. He can provide a suitable sprouting place and aid its development, a richer unfoldment.


Again, Burbank has produced new species by grafting, and specialization, from two originals producing a third. Each original life, however, remains the same I assume.


Can one human add one jot to another human? Or is it the fuller, richer unfoldment of what is already there? And if one can add cannot one take from?


These thoughts have come up in connection with remarks heard frequently in the artistic world—“I made So-and-So”, “He made her”, “She made him what he is”. Also the expression “gave her a soul”. In the States I always maintained the material was already there with which to work. And here, in the case of a soul, man not woman herself reach out and take what is already hers or may become such? Otherwise, could not a soul be engrafted, willy nilly—or, at least, “O, all right; if you wish”.


Would like this explained in language suitable to my mentality.






B U E R—Nix,--unless I once got a huge serpent, writhing, twisting, threatening to strike, and again a slender, tall black (?) being with an animal head, which head I could not distinguish sufficiently to describe.


10’ vigorous Pranayama, 10:20

3’ “ 15-30


I feel like smoking opium, so go to it, 8-9.

3 X 58 = 174

Somewhere in my being occurs orgasm. Where? Why? What?



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—So would I.


