Five letters from Paris excite
us all. I write A.C. enclosing letter of
introduction to Dr. DuBouchet.
After Pentagram read “Flaw in
The Defense” & begin “The
E String”. Interrupted by Baron [Baron
Carlos La Calce]. I study him to-night, and take
him to be a man of some decision and will, behind
that not specially attractive exterior. Speaking his
language fluently one might find something
interesting. Excuse myself at eight and to my room.
The rock a surprise, if A.C.’s
interruption be correct.
Fee Wah: If you will achieve
the “Great Achievement”, etc. I assumed this was to
take place—no, that is too definite, I had not
thoroughly analyzed that statement; but I expected
something big may, 1920. Nothing happening I crossed
the ocean rather puzzled. Since my advent in Cefalu,
have asked myself if at the end of the “three
years”, feeling, however, this might exclude some
things told me.
So, May 1921? After the
Achievement; the definite work begins.
Or is the “Great Achievement”
something else? And right here, does it mean Good
Friday and Easter Sunday? “Because of your fear we
will spare you this time”. I tried then, 1918 but
the agonizing fear! |