Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 20 February 1921






Looking into myself last evening, I decided to smoke again. This smoking resulted in relaxing all along the line, especially that centre in the back on a level with the heart—and then breathing deeply and consciously against it? through it? with it?—with it, I think, strengthening and giving it two feet to stand on.


It does not seem possible that I am ready for this step—and yet did I expect it to “burst” upon me a year ago! However, there is 1918 to bolster one. There, after many battles, did I finally become passionless and say “Into Thine hands, O God, do I commend my spirit.”


So must one enter one’s canoe, passionless, empty, and float out over the stream, eyes, ears and senses alive to what may transpire; so enter the maelstrom, so face the Falls, so drop with that mighty Niagra, so be churned over the rocks of the Rapids, finally to enter the still Lake beyond.


“There must be no turning back; that way lies destruction.”


I now see Lea [Leah Hirsig] and I meant the same thing (as she finally said) in our talk about “letting go”—my statement that one must consciously go being, I believe, the stumbling block.


Hello! In this last statement something unearthed of which I thought myself devoid. VANITY! Bon! So long as you are there, Hail! Now at last I see your face.


Lea expressed surprise when I said “Failure” never entered my head. I now realize this due to fact that “Success” does not enter either. I simply AM.


E String. Think it splendid; has the picture quality for which I have been looking—more than any story yet submitted.


20’ Pranayama.






No workee—no vision. Sleep 1/2 hour


17’ Pranayama.


Hair wash, tub wash, all sorts of washes.


