Jane Wolfe
Tuesday, 22 February 1921
A.M. |
Smoked half an hour last night.
Afterwards a partial consciousness of the fear that
all good Egos experience at thought of being smashed
to smithereens. To my mind this links up with work
of this afternoon. |
9:35-53 |
A holding still, controlling of
nervous organism? |
9:54-10:15 |
A hanging on to lighted candle
by this same organism. (I suppose these entries
sound insane, but down they must go as I analyze
them. Some day I shall understand.)
I lose some of physical being
entirely at times, but thoughts dim and hazy float
by at intervals.
Outward disturbed by water
boiling over, but found I did not lose inner sight,
though much weakened.
Pranayama, 5’. |
P.M. |
1:30 |
Typed on own record 11-12,
1-1:30. Resting. |
1:30-3:15 |
E String. |
3:30-4:00 |
Nature is certainly seeking me
out—must have snarled myself up somewhere. This nap
leaves me ironed out. |
4:08-25 |
Pranayama. 10-20. |
8:00-18 |
Good. Broke once, so turned
light of lamp so I could see watch. |
8:20-35 |
Bad. Could not get hold.
Finally got desperate, grabbed and held whatever I
could. |
8:40-59 |
A sitting still, mind in chaos
at first (due to above grabbing?), then settled into
a heavy, slow rhythm, which I could eliminate only
at intervals. |
9:05-20 |
Throat began to trouble,
tickle. Surprised I got this far—everything
rebelled. Freudian throat? Wish phantasy? |
10-11 |
Opium, smoking slowly, few
pipes. |
11:40 |
Want “out” for a moment.
Was standing in Temple room,
against wall between kitchen and wine room, near
Circle, saying a ritual. I got to “Holy Guardian
Angel, whose child I am”, when I went out on a flash
of fire that was not fire, though there seemed a
moment’s warmth. Instant thought: “I wonder if A.C.
would approve?” Then I let myself go. Went upward
with a great rushing of wind, rose higher and
higher, then returned, easily. After first speed,
noted things in space, but my vision weak. |
12:50 |
Why the hurling of self against
something, I know not what. With self there was
consciousness of water. |
1:00 |
A face—cannot tell whether
animal or man, or combination of both; intent eyes
regarding me fixedly, questioningly—look of “Will
you or will you not?” I look steadily, impersonally.
It disappears. An out-post, stationed there to watch
and report to an hierarchy, it seemed to me. |
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