Jane Wolfe
Thursday, 24 February 1921
A.M. |
At Fives last evening noted
weariness of body. At dinner decided to quit opium,
5 nights of it. At 6:30 decided to go to bed, did
so, Tarot a bit. At eight turned out light.
At 6:10 this A.M. waked. Some
sleep! |
9:35-51 |
Conscious of ear-drums,
physical shakiness. Finished vigorous game with
Russell [C. F. Russell]
at 9:15. Work attempted too soon? |
9:55-10:10 |
Difficult—finally landed.
Interrupted by Giovani’s brother at the door,
thumping and I, not knowing who it might be, went to
Notice thoughts increasingly
difficult to banish, I e, they seem more strenuous.
Noticed lack of inclination to work. Ear-drums also. |
10:15-35 |
First 10’ nothing—second 10 a
“breathing” along entire spineycentre between
shoulders, solar plexus, throat, then full body.
Would I could so breathe against my brains! |
10:40-48 |
Body wobbly, shake somewhat;
but feel splendid.
I am beginning to sense
emotions, thoughts of a character humiliating to
myself, thoughts and emotions never before touched.
And yet am I also conscious of habitation where all
is peace, serenity; as of the serene expanse of sky,
luminous, impersonal, above clouds of more or less
density or murkiness.
And right here I am taking
satisfaction in that fact—Bang! Off goes his head!
Caught you that time, Mr. Sin Complex. Why should I
not take satisfaction in knowing that “somewhere the
sun is shining”, and be able to repose in that upper
mind experienced in hashish? Albeit, I can
understand, of course, that for special development
this might or could be cut off from one’s
consciousness, and one be left “without a leg to
stand on”. |
P.M. |
3:30 |
Left Abbey at 1 for a climb up
the hill—a new walk and one very beautiful. Return
at three. Turkish coffee, and now work of some kind.
Mess around, and finally type
on record till 4:50 |
6:00 |
Am wondering if I will be rid
of my Old Man of the Sea after May. Or, shall he
ride me for three years lest I depart the Path, as I
did once in California: wiped the slate clean. Had I
not staggered back when I could get back, verily
would there have been “destruction” indeed. |
10:30 |
Again “spilled the beans”,
grabbing Shummy [Ninette Shumway]
and dancing with her after Pentagram; and then
starting with Genesthai [C. F. Russell] to hear Lea
[Leah Hirsig] in a loud voice reading the Abbey record.
(But I know which is the better
dancer, I do!)
Later I read aloud Revelations,
the two of us cudgeling our brains. Amen. |
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