Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 24 February 1921






At Fives last evening noted weariness of body. At dinner decided to quit opium, 5 nights of it. At 6:30 decided to go to bed, did so, Tarot a bit. At eight turned out light.


At 6:10 this A.M. waked. Some sleep!




Conscious of ear-drums, physical shakiness. Finished vigorous game with Russell [C. F. Russell] at 9:15. Work attempted too soon?




Difficult—finally landed. Interrupted by Giovani’s brother at the door, thumping and I, not knowing who it might be, went to door.


Notice thoughts increasingly difficult to banish, I e, they seem more strenuous. Noticed lack of inclination to work. Ear-drums also.




First 10’ nothing—second 10 a “breathing” along entire spineycentre between shoulders, solar plexus, throat, then full body. Would I could so breathe against my brains!




Body wobbly, shake somewhat; but feel splendid.


I am beginning to sense emotions, thoughts of a character humiliating to myself, thoughts and emotions never before touched. And yet am I also conscious of habitation where all is peace, serenity; as of the serene expanse of sky, luminous, impersonal, above clouds of more or less density or murkiness.


And right here I am taking satisfaction in that fact—Bang! Off goes his head! Caught you that time, Mr. Sin Complex. Why should I not take satisfaction in knowing that “somewhere the sun is shining”, and be able to repose in that upper mind experienced in hashish? Albeit, I can understand, of course, that for special development this might or could be cut off from one’s consciousness, and one be left “without a leg to stand on”.









Left Abbey at 1 for a climb up the hill—a new walk and one very beautiful. Return at three. Turkish coffee, and now work of some kind.


Mess around, and finally type on record till 4:50



Am wondering if I will be rid of my Old Man of the Sea after May. Or, shall he ride me for three years lest I depart the Path, as I did once in California: wiped the slate clean. Had I not staggered back when I could get back, verily would there have been “destruction” indeed.



Again “spilled the beans”, grabbing Shummy [Ninette Shumway] and dancing with her after Pentagram; and then starting with Genesthai [C. F. Russell] to hear Lea [Leah Hirsig] in a loud voice reading the Abbey record.


(But I know which is the better dancer, I do!)


Later I read aloud Revelations, the two of us cudgeling our brains. Amen.


