Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 25 February 1921









Chill—which I have struggled against at frequent intervals since retiring—so long as I lie on my back, which I will do. What was it I worked out by reason of this? Something to do with Abbey, Lea [Leah Hirsig] and myself. A flea walking on my back brought me to and I did not at first know whether it was my back or Lea’s on which the flea walked.



Heard distinctly “Eric, Eric” outside window, thinking someone at peasant’s door. It developed into the dog coughing.



Still awake.


And remember that I should have entered heretofore fact that I have not been conscious of beings interiorly for many days.


Sleep at four, peasants wake me 6:30.



Spoke one sentence in English to Shummy [Ninette Shumway] at Fives. And did not even notice that I did so, so weary am I in mind and body.


But were my subconscious thoroughly charged with the necessity for silence, would this happen?


The wakefulness served its purpose. All night I lay, muscles rigid and in pain from uric acid. This thing must go else must my work go.



Note to English Pharmacy.

I try work and cannot—lifeless, body stiff and numb.









All guns finished—one hour on each! Which is all right provided they be done properly.


Went after opium pipes this morning, to cement, clean, etc. Red one full of long mould. No wonder it stank.




Under all circumstances, fair I suppose.

Try Dharana—nothing doing.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Very good.


