Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 28 February 1921






Another sleepless night—though no strain.


Night before last I saw large open square, formed by intersection of four streets. Three men dashed, in autos, into this square from one street, attempting to pass down street at right angles. All three, in turn, crashed on turn, mangled, bleeding, unconscious. At third mishap I ran for doctor, found nurse who said doctor was already there and that first man attempted suicide. No one killed.


In this emotion of shock.


Last night, walking down west side of Broadway, Camille A of Los Angeles on my left, back of us balance of party (three, I think) and of the Brotherhood. She suddenly darted ahead of me and threw herself in front of a horse-driven vehicle, attempting suicide.


She wore a one-piece robe, colourless though not white, deep cream. I reached her after she had been picked up, not dead. She came to and stood, arrested. There welled through my being a profound sympathy and deep love, and I stooped and kissed her hands reverently.


Should say I expected the “members” to follow up, but they passed out of sight, taking no note of the occurrence.


Controlled “dream”. Afterwards took hold again and again with centre used for this control—to strengthen.







Dharana. Gold disk.

Good when obtained—lost frequently. Struck the shorter breath. Must note this.


Wondered if white & gold altar, gold disk, &c., connected with white & gold door named by me Melchisedeck.

Try Harpocrates.


Yesterday wondered about shakiness. Chump!


My diet of bread and milk for past two days, with a bit of cheese, a cup of wine last night. Notice a change in uric acid. Will go after this for a few days and then, plus salol, may eliminate much and go onto the Rock with a sounder & stronger physical.


10’ Pranayama.






“Sooner of Later” scenario—this does not impress me as favorably as heretofore.






Nap—mind feels like a yawn.


7’ Pranayama. Bread & milk.



Mind condition result of diet, I think. Shall eat to-morrow.








My first victory over physical. At 9:35 thought I could not pull through another 5’, every pulse thumping, all nerves. At 9:40 edge dulled into a muffled ache & I was able to concentrate mental. New spasms lurking elsewhere, I suppose.




Gone entirely after 8’ & could not recover.


