Past four nights waked at 2,
lying awake till after 4; last night dozing between
2 & 3, peasants keeping me from sleep 6-7, sleep
then somewhat.
Last night I was “cast down”—a
dream, and I attempted no control! After two years
without a slip. This waked me at 2.
In various naps after 4 I
witnessed crowds love-making (my second night like
this), myself coming in for a prolonged kiss in
front of folks, which embarrassed me hugely.
At another time it fell to me,
for some reason to speak to a blond of about 16, who
was making love to a dark man—to call her attention
to two side of love, one benefiting, the other
wasting. She promptly began making love to me. I put
her aside, when she fell upon a dark-haired girl to
my right.
Some place in here A.C.’s paint
brushes, all white, and a practical joke on a fat
man, who thereby paid a large bill not his to pay. |