A.M. |
Whether or not the difficulty
solved, I feel better. Smoked till 9:30. We wondered
if a drop of heroin might help—took it—no, mind
extremely alert, and what came into it of value, if
so, passed at moment of birth. It kept me awake till
mid-night and I dreamed & dreamed of being chased by
some one. I ran down many flights of stairs, finally
leaped from floor to floor, into taxis & out again.
At last, said to myself: this is tiring, it must
stop. It stopped.
Yesterday I began wondering if
I were impatient for the Retirement—if there was
that in me that wished to jump in & experience
something similar to May, 1918—the torture chamber.
Lea [Leah Hirsig]
says pleasure & pain the same. Is this in me also? |
8:51-9:10 |
Rigid body, which may be right.
Rigid mind.
Did not go as deep within as
heretofore. This thing of not knowing whether one is
all right or all wrong! I feel like smashing the
15’ Pranayama, 10-20
2 capsules salol to-day & shall
Improvement. |