A.M. |
6:30-55 |
Messed up—lost something
through determination to focus elsewhere.
First a top, then head to top,
then addition to right of top. Here confusion began.
Same colours as heretofore.
And am not sure whether
terminations of stems triangles or oblongs, but
think triangles. |
9:58-10:18 |
Hung on here. |
10:18-28 |
One continuous fight. Seth
bawling as when worried by peasant’s dog, I wanting
to take a stick and beat dog. Then arguing, “This is
good training, one must learn to walk, silent, among
the shrieks of struggling humanity”. Did not lose
picture & finally got into it, more or
less—principally less. |
10:40-59 |
Don’t know if anything
20’ Pranayama, 10-20. Broke
once. |
P.M. |
Walk along hillside overlooking
sea. |
3:45 |
Baron [Baron
Carlos La Calce] & painter just left. Went over
house with them & Lea [Leah Hirsig].
I search everywhere for Marbas
sigil I made last evening—not to be found.
25’ with white triangle in blue
field. Cannot visualize it, but in beginning apple
tree in full bloom.
17’ Pranayama. |
8:02-20 |
Asana. |
8:20-40 |
Torture of body & mind.
Everything internal rigid till half-way through,
then got better hold. Use “God moves along line of
least resistance” to get into shape. |
8:45-9:05 |
“The minutes drag like
prisoners’ weeks”. After 8 thought I just could not
continue. Then whipped mind into holding
picture—nothing more.
20’ Pranayama, 10-20 |