Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 14 March 1921









Vision—nothing. Again sense of apple tree in blossom.




Last evening decided to regard impersonally any symbol & see what happened. This A.M. did so, indistinct, looked like small dumbbell, long bar. Same colours—red outline blending into gold centre. Not nearly as distinct as heretofore.




Seemed to use head region for first time—nothing last 3’




Had to break this for laundry woman—knew then when starting. Again head; this time I think, all faculties under will, positive, with central part receptive.




Nothing at all last 3’—with lapses before, of course.

Find myself using affirmations to compel obedience—“I am”, “I will stand here”, “I will regard”, etc.


30’ Pranayama.






1 hr 15’ walk.


Make another Marbas Talisman. Also Halohel.


23’ Marbas.


On first closing eyes after studying Talisman would see before me broad low-lying light bldg., Egyptian door-way, steps leading up—these length of bldg.. So I walked up & put Talisman on that door. Inside darkness.


Then did I stand on edge of an abyss, dark? Tried to bring someone out of this but failed. Then found myself in full sunlight on edge, air fresh. I passed through air & sunlight of a wonderful freshness & clarity.


Was this occasioned by “cause and cure of disease”?




Same bldg. appeared. Got rid of it. Went straight up and up, but seemed to pass earth and things of earth. Finally came to stone flagging, at which I stopped. After a time a tall man of great dignity appeared. (Did I first see an old woman, bent?) A man of 45 or 50, a head piece with 2 horns, and apparel falling from the shoulder.


These things not nearly so distinct as Shaddai.


Shall use Halohel A.M., Marbas P.M.


26’ Pranayama, 10:20




Went into this easily, but after 8’ battled ticking of watch continuously.




No mental concentration last 3’. Body after 8’ began howling, in rising crescendo till getting to a point where muscles became sort of gassy, bones hurting, & I expecting spasmodic jerking any moment—in legs only.




This worse than cross-legged, for the pain of torso makes breathing jerky at times. Got control last 5’ of body, but no silence.


20’ Pranayama, 10-20

Although I swore I would do but 15—Amen!



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—You should not have started.


