A.M. |
Birthday celebration, Lea [Leah Hirsig]
and I. Pint of champagne, 1/2 capsule grass. Baron [Baron
Carlos La Calce] 7:30-9, I sat on his knee, he
feels quite encouraged. Not sleeping by 10 I got me
up and gathered together from the four corners an
opium outfit. Smoked 10:15-11. Nix.
We had some fun anyway. |
P.M. |
To Cefalu to see police, get
hair cut, etc. Fooled all round.
30 Disturbed concentration.
After this particular centre
strenuously exercised, sleep well.
10 Pranayama, 10-20
3 15-30 |
8:41-9:09 |
All off mentally.
3 Pranayama. Break.
Am tired in upper spine and
back of neck.
I wonder at what period of my
past life I have arrived in the digging up process.
It is years since I used to hum, over & over, O the
clanging bells of time, etc. The past few days,
digging deep, I have unearthed this, long since
forgotten, humming away.
Can I bring that song into
conscious and so rid myself? A leak, any-way. |