A.M. |
Last night I was shown the way,
that on which to work, the result of proper work.
Perfect repose in every part, no strain, a feeling
of ease. I have been using up energy, instead of
lack of it, equilibrating be cessation, and am at
the end of things. It may have been right for the
I now make the experiment,
10:05-25, and succeed. Myself a lotus on a
motionless pool. The central part of me coming to
life—Being, as distinguished from Mind?
4 1/2’ Pranayama. |
P.M. |
Am finding out these days why
me lethargy, my lack of strength. I have been
divorced from Being, I think; cut off from the
vitalizing, main current.
15’ Concentration in Asana.
20’ Pranayama, 10-20
Good, as will had to be active
to keep going at all.
At intervals during day, Karma
scenario. |