Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 31 March 1921






Abstract principle means more to me than concrete example. People’s approval, or lack of it, carries little weight with me. Their analysis of people and things interesting—it shows what they are.


Painted form 8 to 6:50 P.M.


An inward peace and satisfaction these two days.



From the way Russell [C. F. Russell] has done the odd jobs around here I am bound to say he either, lacks intelligence, lives in another world entirely (as I have done for so long a time), or does not care especially how a thing is done. He works as the average Union workman—to get the job over with and the pay envelope.


Centred entirely on magic?





Had been wondering about loving in spite of “evil”, “dirt”, etc., assuming one closed one’s eyes to that phrase. I stepped into that part of myself where, regarding objectively this very thing, it ceased to be. One does not close one’s eyes, anything objectionable ceases to be. All is love, no room for aught else. This must be what I term Spiritual Love.


Was getting something about copper qualities not sufficient, there had to be the brass also. Came out without real subject.

Copper beautiful, mellow, soft; brass, vital, strident, strong.


Failed on another. Could not bring through, then tried ushering in on sound.

Something interfering. Sound was like a mosquito buzzing.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—"Judging others by herself?"

2—Yes: good.


