Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 7 April 1921






At Umbilicus, sleeping in boys’ room. ‘Nough said. Awake since 5:30, after wakeful night. And have discovered Lulu delightful: she crowed and cackled from 6 to 7.



Did not enter that April 6, in Pentagram, got what looked like a baking powder add I have seen: a spoon heaped with powder. It may have been a hand holding something. Indistinct because of bad mental state.


This morning in Pentagram (indistinct again as I am frightfully fatigued) what I call the Saturn sigil with point below.


During saying of Creed what seemed an eye in a dark red field—i.e. and eye drawn by hand, similar to one on AA literature.


No power: too tired I think.


(Should add, colours of yesterday and Saturn same as heretofore, blue, red and gold.)


