Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 10 April 1921









Contending forced are playing hob with me these days, and I understand. I must eliminate all mental friction and loses of energy through needless use.



“Twilight of The Idols” since 5:30.









A long walk by the sea. To me there seems a something gone, like the stoppage of a current. There is something lacking that should be here?


Was a purse found containing 30,000 lire? Night of the 8th I made a definite Invocation and limited the time of its operation. Did I mess things?


And I am glad M.K. refused me her small money when the Chiswick stock was purchased, for by now it would have been used. We did without & in our present extremity she may be able to stop the gap till sufficient money shall have come in.


Why this extremity, anyway? Have serious mistakes been made? Or is it that one or more of the people have appealed to belong to this Circle and shall by this means be brought into it? Or, is it both? Or another reason entirely?



And why 100,000 for two years? In the last one, Shummy [Ninette Shumway] has contributed, roughly, 110,000. How much more has been added to this sum, and spent? Not very encouraging.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Extremity due solely to wise business decision to 'carry on'.

2—I put in about 150,000. The expenses have been mostly investments. Our assets are now very large, and only need to be realized. 100,000 will suffice for 2 years, as we have paid off mortgages on an property of various kinds.


