A.M. |
In re my Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] questions.
Perhaps I was too apprehensive
about the future of the Abbey, that time when more
students should be here and therefore greater danger
of shipwreck if we are a Community. Autocracies
live—Communities, sooner or later, blow up violently
or disintegrate and fall apart.
The nature of the training
necessary for the Aspirant, it seems to me,
precludes aught but autocracy. My questions resulted
from A.C.’s calling us a “Community”. The peoples of
an autocracy—Benevolent Despotism, let us say, give
their love—if necessary, their life, their all, to
the welfare and maintenance of that Despotism. The
peoples of a Community are never satisfied. (Witness
I find I rebel at “fixed
principles”, fixed standards”. I am well aware they
make associations easier, life more simple; for
there would not be all this misunderstanding, this
useless chatter. Yet, notwithstanding, why should
there not be diversity here, also?
Is this, too, “idiocy” on my
part? |
[1] |
“You do not realize who I am.”
How can I express what is in
me? I do not use Babalon explanation in the Second
Aethyr, but that which I love, that which I
venerate, that which permeates Me and has the power
to fill me with ecstacy, has naught to do with
output! It has naught to do with caste, naught to do
with education, naught to do with anything the world
esteems. Were there none of these but instead a
toothless, senseless, gibbering imbecile, it would
be the same. It is all the Elements combined in one.
It is All-Yielding, All-Absorbing. It is Completion.
What feeble language! When shall I express Myself!!
Nor can I look out on any other
than a level of perfect equality: it is not
possible. It is not possible for it would not be
(And here I note that although,
in the past, I have used that term—“perfect
equality”—I never before felt it; there was always a
Is aught degrading but thinking
makes it so? Does not herein lie one reason for the
strength of Japan? In California I have seen well
trained, well born, well educated Japanese, doing
the most menial work—for the time being, at least
without loss of manhood, loss of dignity or
self-respect. When did they arrive at this Truth?
A dream which should have been
entered yesterday.
I was in an unusually large
square room in an hotel. A.C. and Lea [Leah Hirsig]
were there, seated at a table in one corner, near a
window, and to my left, I seated on the foot of the
bed, which position placed me toward centre of room.
I then found myself enveloped in a black lace
mantilla. It fell from over my head. With its
wearing I became coquettish, using my arms as a
dancer might in handling the lace. Evidently no one
in the room paid the slightest attention. I found
myself on a picturesque street in a strange city,
buildings close and compact, and undoubtedly
European. The street on which I walked ascended,
another street falling away from it but leading in
same direction, my street above being balustrade. I
then realized I was to meet a youth of twenty, or
thereabouts, he waiting for me somewhere. Arriving
at “A”, I seated myself at a small table of an
outdoor restaurant. The youth was seated, I knew
just below, though like a cat with a mouse I did not
see him at all. He became more and more impatient,
and then a note was placed in my hand which was sent
by him. It was folded square, I was quite conscious
of this. I opened my hand to read and found a bill
of a 20 denomination. This bill was about the size
of a French 100 Franc and of a similar blue & pink.
In this dream my name was Lola. |