Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 29 May 1921






10’ Pranayama.


Strange. On the edge of sleep last night, I was conscious of rich blues and I felt love permeate me and I exclaimed “Aiwaz”. Hadit, Nuith, Aiwaz, et al, have been but names to me. Melchisedeck, Amoun—no; they have life.


A far away state during the night, in which I found myself pregnant of two children. They lay side by side, not one above the other as I understand is the usual way with twins. These two symbolic of a spiritual (?) impregnation of two branches of work? of two powers?

(Does this connect up with the “boy and a girl”, I wonder?)






A Tarot divination for me by Frater Genesthai [C. F. Russell], and copied from his notes.



1. Jane must get the number of her Magical name, so that when in the operation she knocks she will get the spirits which are harmonious to her number.

2. Done. Her number is 516 = 12



                              Ace of Pantacles

               Ace of Swords               Five of Cups

          The Fool                                   Nine of Wands

     Eight of Wands                                        The Sun




Significator—Material; represents a Hé final course.


Positive. If she can overcome her parsimonity in regard to loss in pleasure, she will find herself with great strength. If she, then takes the path of the Moon she will find illusion. If she aspires directly to the Moon, she will find herself Lord of the Fire of the World, the Sun.

Contra. If she continue to be afraid of loss in pleasure she will find herself immediately as the root of the all-wandering air. But it is Tetragrammaton spelt backwards, going from to ד. She will which equals Zero. But there is a gap between Aleph and the Fool but for the fact that the Ace of Swords is the root of air, which is Aleph. But she cannot stay there long enough to accomplish her will, in which case she will go right back again to loss in pleasure. On the left, two steps take her to 8 of Wands; on the right, one step takes her to 9 of Wands.


From Mars in Virgo she passes to Moon in Sagittarius. She goes from Yod to Samech and from a masculine to a feminine principle—10 (Virgo) to 60 (Sagittarius) would be from (from I to IN) a concealed force to an operation of the Gnosis.


From 5 () to 9 () is from taking the active part in that operation to taking the feminine part. But 10 + 9 = 10 = XIX, the Sun; and 60 + 5 = 65 אדני the Holy Guardian Angel. In which case she will find herself with great strength. If that strength be used to aspire directly to the Moon, not directly in the path of the Moon, she will find herself at the Sun. Otherwise she will be caught in the path of the Moon.


She does not want to get caught in the math of the poon,[3] because she is in the math of the Nith. ניתת = 451. Mathonith = the 441st of the 451 = the Truth of the Sleep of Siloam (שילץאם) it is the Live Coal in the Abyss; it is the Demon which balances the Essence of Man.

She finds herself then in the Sun’s ray, in the path of the Sun in the letter Samech; i.e. she is in Resh and Samech at the same time. If she allows the gravitation of the Moon to draw her backwards she will fall into Yesod. The is the Yesod of Malkuth, etc. It is the Tree of Life in Malkuth. If she grasps firmly with her right hand the letter Samech, she will, by the aid of the letter Resh, of the Sun itself, reach Him, unite with Him, and become the Lord of the Fire of the World.


Samech is Sagittarius, aspiration to the Holy Guardian Angel. Its number is 200 (20 x 10). Samech is only 6 x 10. But (20 + 6), x 26 x 10 = 260, which is the I.N.R. of I.N.R.I. Samech Resh is one’s true will accepted, and ReshSamech is one’s true will declined.


By the fact of the angle between the path of Samech and Resh, the form of attainment should be of the expansive, opening up, or feminine order, but it must be contained within the left-hand upper quarter of the tablet of air. But she has started out from the tablet of earth. Consequently she will be weighed down and not up. She will find herself united with the One who represents the name she really heard, but, on account of the Moon, heard and spoken wrong. But she will be merely uniting with that name on the plane of earth, and it will be with נחש not with the סשיח aspect.




This is a direct answer to her question, no matter how it was put, if it had anything to do with Aiwaz. It simply shows what relation should be made between her and Aiwaz. So we see she gets exactly 516 by 93, by interpreting the symbols she obtains, which exactly represent the numbers she invoked.


Divination is then simply solving an equation; x, the unknown answer, is equal to y, the question. By solving the first half we have solved the other half (Liber Legis commands this), because the Universe is in equilibrium. But one doesn’t get 0 = 0; one gets 0 = X, for there is an inversion. But suppose one start—in solving both sides at once. One whirls the left-hand cube to the right and the right-hand cube to the left, and they will each be doubled—making Three-in-One. How many times one has to whirl the cubes round depends on how much they are twisted. One might find one’self when one stopped at the same point of view of the Three-in-One, which considers equations in their general aspects, rather than in their particular. He is trying to find another equation to represent the former equation (a synthesis of it). He finds it; and it is 0 = 0.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley


2—"Is my feeling about Aiwaz correct?"

3—True; the math of the poon is a terribly seductive snare.

4—This is the most unintelligible drivel I have read for a long time. It is wholly undesirable to confer with flesh and blood. There is only one thing to do; to stick to your Work, without lust of result.


