Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 11 June 1921









I walk to the Morsel—nobody astir. So I return. Passing the mill I suddenly realize the meaning of an entry of June 1, “no intermediaries”. It stirs me so I all but roar aloud in laughter! As aspirant for probation to AA, while admiring and being helped, guided, strengthened by Beast, does not set him up for worship as does a Catholic the Christ, the Virgin. So with Aiwaz, Ra Hoor Khuit, et al. “You must go to God not to me” said Fee Wah. So would say also Ra Hoor Khuit. There is a strange happiness and exhilaration in this knowledge.



I also realize how much better prepared I am for the Retirement at this time. One month ago it would have been an intensely personal thing. A seems a year since then, so much has this personal attitude dropped away from me.


