Jane Wolfe Diary Entry circa May 1940
I used Liber Samekh daily for one month, then twice a day for the second month, 3 times a day for the final month, during which month the following took place. I quote from my diary.
1940 May 12:45 p.m.
Something terrible happened! While reciting Section Aa [of Liber Samekh], the name "Hitler", "Hitler", was repeated. Going from the centre of the Circle to the East I thought it strange that his name should come to me and put it down to a world-thought drifting across my consciousness. I said Section B with more fervor than for some time. Invoking Fire, I did so with a feeling of great need of invoking and throwing in Power where it was badly needed. I was full of this Power, the Hitler business being still faintly in my consciousness. Indeed it was almost as though it was he who needed power.
At the West solemnity confronted me. I intoned the words solemnly and with a weight, as though something of tremendous import was about to take place. And starting "Come thou forth", I felt sobs rising out of the center of my being. It was with difficulty that I controlled myself though I steadily finished the invocation.
Beginning the Section G, the sobs took possession of me, tears streamed down my cheeks, and I could only brokenly get through—with a some times whispered word—to the finish of the Ritual.
There was a distinct feeling that something of vital importance to Thelema was lost.
Evening. I am wondering if all this refers to Jane only, and that the tricky mind went racing around looking for a reason?
One thing I omitted in the above account! That there was considerable exhiliration. . .in some subtle way I was in the thick of things and enjoying it. Then followed the reaction of sobs and tears. There was nothing in the slightest way resembling orgasm, however.