Jane Wolfe Diary Entry Friday, 20 November 1942
Last night a festive dinner for Regina [Regina Kahl], who leaves this evening at 7:30. Adieu!
During dinner I toasted Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith]: "To Wilfred and his successful leadership of the O.T.O." I did this to let him know I was standing by him, for heretofore he never felt sure of me. It moved him deeply and later when passing by me, he laid his hand on my shoulder. It startled to the extent that I all but cried out: so like a jointed hand of iron it seemed—no flesh—no emotion—just metal. The same sensation later in the evening, when he placed both hands upon my shoulders.
But during the night, in a half-awake state, doubt of his leadership was borne in upon me. He has told me that some times he sees himself going down the street alone, a suit case in his hand.