Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 21 November 1942




8:30 p.m. I begin my 24-hour Retirement.


The group came down earlier and we sat in a crescent shape, while Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] performed the Banishing Ritual, Invoked the God of the place and we all joined in 5 minutes intoning of Aka dua.


Arranged things, made bed, set up candles, incense, images, etc. Performed Pentagram.


O Beloved Night, shine upon me!

Radiant Moon, flooding my world with Light!

Waters of the Eternal!

Soul of my soul, I invoke! I invoke!

Clarify my mind,

Purify my aspirations,

Strengthen and fortify my courage,

Let me perform with Grace & Distinction, those Acts which I am called upon to perform.


I had intended to take this 24-hour Retirement in my room, but at the last moment decided to come to "The Laboratory" and so dedicate it. So here I am, with nought but paper and pencils and Baphomet's Letter of Instruction. When I should so like my Sacred Books—if only near me.


