Ruthah, "the Perfume of Immortality", according to a March 1912 advertisement in The Equinox, Vol. I, No. 8, could be purchased for 2/6 and 4/6 per bottle from Wieland & Co. It was still being advertised for sale as late March 1919 in The Equinox, Vol III, No. 1.
According to John Symonds in an article by him published in the October/November issue of Enquiry, Ruthah consisted of one part ambergris, two parts musk and three parts civet and was used by Crowley as a "sex-appeal ointment" which he used to rub into the hair of his body.
Per the Master Therion 'It must be rubbed into the body particularly at the roots of the hair where the skin is not too tightly stretched, so thoroughly that the subtle perfume of the preparation is not detected, or even suspected, by others. The user is thus armed with a most powerful weapon, the more potent for being secret, against the deepest elements in the nature of those whom it is wished to attract. They obey, and they are all the more certainly compelled to obey, because they do not know that they are being commanded.'