Details of an idea of Crowley's to open a Paris restaurant called "Au Cul-de-Jatte" [the legless person]. Found inscribed in a copy of Crowley's book Konx Om Pax apparently written circa March 1922.[354]




     Restaurant—A. Situation. B. Size. C. Name. D. Furniture. E. Decorations. F. Merchandise. G. Attendance. H. Attractions. I. Finance. J. Publicity. K. Basis of Profits.


     A. Obscure ill-famed quarter, but not too inaccessible. Narrow dark alley.

     B. Main room to hold 20 people. Private rooms ad lib. Cellar. Kitchen.

     C. “Au Cul-de-Jatte” (Illuminated sign designed by A.C.)

     D. Main room: Bar. No chairs or tables, but mattresses, armchairs, bolsters, etc. very coarse, and dyed to appear dirty: food to be served on teak cul-de-jatte platforms. Private rooms: (1) Diamond; tables on wheels; lavatory attached. (2) D.1.

     E. Panels painted by A.C. to be fixed when dry into a grille; whole walls to be covered. Ceiling left dark; Moorish lamp.

     F. Cold food, except one plat du jour, and tea. Feature extraordinary concoctions by A.C. both food and drink. (Ex. Gr.: Crowley mixed grill: Crowley cup.) all of extravagantly good quality to contrast with crockery, [illegible], and silver.

     F. (contd) Also books and pictures. Private information about races. Introductions. Addresses of drug-peddlers etc. [illegible] deal by special agreement.

     G. Service [illegible] skilled obtainable; costumes to suit rooms, language and behavior to match [illegible]. Barman “in” with jockeys, joy-boys, stock-gamblers, etc. Manageress experienced with [illegible].


     (1) Myself

     (2) Eccentric cocotte—who will pay for her position as “it”.

     (3) Surprise ideas, to be sprung at intervals: e.g. my brand of "Veuve Squicquot"

     (4) Really original entertainments.

     (5) Distribution of really valuable “souvenirs” (Evasion of laws)

     (6) Exclusiveness and snob-prices.

     I. Practically all initial expenses recoverable in case of failure. A.C. to own 50% stock, to have salary till capital is [illegible], to have carte blanche for new material, to own panels, patents, copyrights etc. Financier to take all profits till his capital is returned to him plus 8% p.a. after that he and A.C. go 50-50 on net profits.

     J. A.C. to manage publicity on salary basis. [Specialty: artificial scandals. E.g. asst decorator [illegible] suicide: excuse [illegible] to copy a design too frightful to contemplate!]

     K. See “over the left”


(D1. The coarsest “converts” procurable: napkins to be dyed to look dirty)




     Lease etc. 50,000 frs

     Furniture 20,000

     Decoration 30,000 = (cost raw material and hire of [illegible] painter)

     Stock of wine etc (Credit)

     Salaries for 3 months:

          Manageress 1,500

          Barman 1,500

          Waiters and Waitresses 2,000

     Publicity for 3 months 10,000

     A.C. salary (idea-creator, decorator, advertisement manager) 6 months 25,000


     Total 150,000


     K.  Profits. Convert change to cover all remaining expenses

     (? on basis of experience of first month ?)

          A. Food and drink profits.

          B. Sales profits.

          C. [illegible] profits.

          D. Gambling profits.

          E. [illegible] profits.


     8% on 150,000 capital = 12,000