Frederick Leigh Gardner
Born: 31 March 1857 in Highbury, North London. Died: 1930.
Frederick Leigh Gardner was born in Highbury, North London, March 31, 1857, the son of an accountant. His parents were Spiritualists and held séances at their home, at one of which young Gardner was controlled by an Indian guide.
Gardner began employment as a stockbroker's clerk, becoming a member of the Stock Exchange in 1886. He joined the Theosophical Society around 1884 and was informed that his mahatma (a master or adept of the Society) was "Koot Hoomi." He married soon after this, and his wife shared his theosophical interests. Gardner knew Helena Petrovna Blavatsky personally and became a member of the Blavatsky Lodge in 1890. He lost interest in the Theosophical Society after joining the Golden Dawn in 1894. His motto in the Golden Dawn was De Profundis ad Lucem—D.P.A.L.
He corresponded frequently with Rev. W. A. Ayton, another member of the Golden Dawn, who was a student of alchemy, and their letters are valuable for their sidelights on the order. Gardner was also a Freemason, later joining the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and becoming its librarian. He became financially involved in sponsoring publication of the English translation by MacGregor Mathers of the important occult treatise The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin in 1898.
Gardner sided with Annie Horniman in her conflict over spiritual sexuality with Edward Berridge, which served to further polarize the Golden Dawn and eventually causing a major schism. Gardner retired from membership of the Stock Exchange in 1903 and thereafter was an antiquarian bookseller, with special interest in occult works. He published the three-volume Catalog Raisonné of Works on the Occult Sciences (1912). |