G.F. Gregor Grant


Born: Unknown.

Died: Unknown.



Gregor Grant was a cousin of Crowley's and four years older than him. He was a frequent visitor and playmate of Crowley as a child and was the only non-Plymouth Brethren child Crowley was allowed to associate with. He introduced Crowley to the poetry of Robert  Burns, the romantic novels of Walter Scott, Celtic mysteries and Jacobite wildness. He was also an enthusiastic rock climber who spent the summer of 1893 climbing with Crowley and climbed in the Beachy Head area with him in 1894.


On 25 October 1895 a paper by Grant and Crowley entitled "On Peak and Pinnacle" was read before The Sidcup Yearbook of Scientific and Learned Societies. Grant was also the president of the Cuchullin Club.