Raymond Greene


Born: 1901.

Died: 1982.



Raymond Greene was a friend of Raoul Loveday. Green and two of his schoolmates had devised a plan for Greene to go to Cefalu, assassinate Crowley, and flee to the south coast, where his friends would pick him up in a sailboat and take him to Morocco; from there he would return home via Spain. Greene, however, doubted the stories about Crowley, and refused to participate in the plan. He traveled to Italy during Easter break in 1923 and visited the Abbey of Thelema to take a look at how and where Loveday had died. He left convinced that there had been Loveday had died of natural causes and later met up with Crowley in Naples. Crowley received Greene warmly, and Greene later reported to Raoul's mother that Crowley was well-liked in the community and that he saw nothing suspicious about Raoul's death.


See the extract from Greene's book, Moments of Being, that details his encounter with the Abbey and Crowley.