Elsa Lincke


Born: 16 February 1864 in Berlin, Germany.

Died: Unknown.



Mrs. Elsa Lowensohn Lincke was born in Berlin, the daughter of Carl Ernst Lincke. She married Samuel Lowensohn of Russia in New York City in 1886 and she became a naturalized U.S. citizen on 18 November 1914. She  reputedly introduced the cabaret to America. A German musician who had lived in New York since 1904, she was described by Crowley as “antique, but sprightly” and as having “abandoned worldly pleasures for spiritual joys.” She had been interested in H. Spencer Lewis and his Rosicrucian group, Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (A.M.O.R.C.), “merrily disdainful of criticism based on his elementary blunders in Latin and his total ignorance of the history of the Order which he claimed to rule. The old lady was simple-minded, sincere and earnest.” She helped the order by giving Crowley money for the Great Work. During the Amalantrah Working Amalantrah dubbed her Bazedon, calling her totem a toad and her numeral 444 (significantly, 444 was the number of the frog-headed god of the earth).