Jean Stoddard Phillips, née Greife Jean Schneider Jean Sihvonen Jean Schlepp
Born: 1909. Died: 1982.
Jean Phillips was a IX° in the O.T.O. She became a Probationer in the A∴A∴ under Max Schneider with her motto, suggested by Crowley, being Per Verbum Orior ("Through the Word I rise"); the initials of this motto add to 156. She was initiated into the 0° and 1° degrees of the O.T.O. on 10 July 1943 through the Agape Lodge.
She worked for Orson Welles and his Mercury Productions in 1944-45. She tried unsuccessfully to interest Welles in producing some of Crowley's fiction.
She became Max Schneider's third wife. She later married Ero Sihvonen and, later still, a gentleman named Schlepp. |