Jean Stoddard Phillips, née Greife

Jean Schneider

Jean Sihvonen

Jean Schlepp


Born: 1909.

Died: 1982.



Jean Phillips was a IX° in the O.T.O. She became a Probationer in the AA under Max Schneider with her motto, suggested by Crowley, being Per Verbum Orior ("Through the Word I rise"); the initials of this motto add to 156. She was initiated into the and degrees of the O.T.O. on 10 July 1943 through the Agape Lodge.


 She worked for Orson Welles and his Mercury Productions in 1944-45. She tried unsuccessfully to interest Welles in producing some of Crowley's fiction.


She became Max Schneider's third wife. She later married Ero Sihvonen and, later still, a gentleman named Schlepp.