Alcesti C. Rigo de Righi
Born: Unknown. Died: Unknown.
Alcesti C. Rigo de Righi was the Italian manager of the Drum Druid Hotel on the Mall and proprietor of the Woodlands Hotel adjacent to the railway station in Darjeeling, India. The latter was Darjeeling’s leading inn when American humorist Mark Twain (1835–1910) visited in 1896, and Baroness Mary Victoria Curzon of Kedleston (1870–1906), after nine days’ stay in 1900, raved about how “M. Righi took the greatest pains to see that everything was nice.” Climber Charles Granville Bruce (1866–1939) noted that de Righi was “always ready to assist any traveller to the upper ranges,” while English illustrator Walter Crane (1845–1915), visiting in 1906, remarked, “He occasionally entertained his guests by a lecture in the evenings, illustrated by photographic slides taken on the expedition.” Although de Righi was a novice climber, he spoke Hindustani and Tibetan, which Crowley considered invaluable. Plus, “he spoke English like a native.” Thus, de Righi became the Kanchenjunga's expedition transport manager. Much like Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod, de Righi also brought along his camera to document their historic climb.
Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod, Charles Adolphe Reymond and Alesti De Righi at Kanchenjunga Base Camp 1905.
Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod (right) and Alcesti de Righi (left) receive the envoys of the Maharajah of Nepal. Kanchenjunga Expedition 1905. [298]