Anny Ringler


Born: Unknown.

Died: Unknown.



Anny Ringler was a Hungarian girl Aleister Crowley met in Moscow, Russia, whilst managing the 'Ragged Ragtime Girls.' Crowley's book Fun of the Fair was dedicated in part "to the memory of Anny Ringler."


Crowley described Anny as "tall, tense, lean as a stirring leopardess, with wild unsatiable eyes and a long straight thin mouth, a scarlet scar which seemed to ache with the anguish of hunger for some satisfaction beyond earth's power to supply." Additionally, he said ". . . She had passed beyond the region where pleasure had meaning for her. She could only feel through pain, and my own means of making her happy was to inflict physical cruelties as she directed. The kind of relation was altogether new to me; and it was because of this, intensified as it was by the environment of the self-torturing soul of Russia, that I became inspired to create by the next six weeks."